Monthly Archives: April 2013

Thoughts of the Day 4/15/2013

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The Curse Of Joe Carter


To say the Toronto Blue Jays had high expectations heading into the 2013 Major League Baseball season, is like saying the CN Tower is really tall. Many experts pegged the Jays to win the American League Eastern division for the first time since 1993.

However, the Jays have started slowly this season, as they sit in last place in the AL East, going 4-6 in their first 10 games. This despite the many moves the Jays made in the offseason. In a blockbuster deal that shook the baseball world, general manager Alex Anthopoulos acquired shortstop Jose Reyes, catcher John Buck, second baseman Emilo Bonifacio, and pitchers Mark Buehrle and Josh Johnson from the Miami Marlins for minor leaguers and prospects. The Jays then traded Buck, and prospects to the New York Mets for Cy Young award winner R.A. Dickey. The Jays had loaded up and were looking to challenge the…

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The Dubscast, Volume 6: Forget “The Drop” – What Tiger Woods’ Legacy Really Is


jdub dubscast 2

The latest “worst scandal ever” has gripped the golf world this morning; there’s far too much hand-wringing going on over this Tiger Woods “Drop Heard ‘Round The World.” This bounding load of bull is being propagated by dickfaces like Brandel Chamblee from The Golf Channel.

In today’s installment of the Dubscast, J-Dub takes a critical look at critics of Tiger Woods, and reminds them just how much Woods means to the world of golf.  Like it or not, Tiger Woods is the star around which the golf world revolves, and J-Dub makes some serious arguments to prove that.

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5 Pro Athletes We Want to See in the Masters

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SBM Exclusive Feature: The BLAST-CAST – Volume 6: A Blogger’s Mastery of The Masters

SBM Blastcast Header Humpherys

Some people think they have tough jobs. Cops, firefighters, even the guys on Seal Team 6 can give you an argument about who has the roughest gig. With all due respect, those guys are all pussies compared to our guest Blast-Caster.

Chris Humpherys from SportsChump is the official bartender of Sports Blog Movement, and just from J-Dub’s rampant alcoholism alone, that’s a more dangerous job than storming the beach at Normandy against a full army of eight-dicked, syphillitic, Ron Jeremy-clone space monster zombies.

That notwithstanding, with in honor of today being the opening day of the Masters, the esteemed Mr. Humpherys has been kind enough to share some of the insights he collected first-hand by being on the grounds at Augusta National during last year’s tournament.

Click here to listen to or download the Blast-Cast (MP3 format) from TalkShoe. The Sports Blog Movement Blast-Cast is now also available on ITunes.

Even if you aren’t a golf officianado, this is  “can’t miss” stuff for any sports fan!


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Coach’s Rant Bracket: The Furious Four


We’re down to the Furious Four. It’s Gundy vs. Elia and Weaver vs. Edwards as we inch ever closer to crowning a champion.  Gundy knocked off David Bennett pretty handily after Bennett’s “Act Like Dogs” made a respectable run in the tournament. Elia took down Da’ Coach by a close margin. The number one overall Earl Weaver is still alive after defeating Denny Green. And finally, the only non-one seed in the furious four, Herm Edwards moved on after ousting Mike Mahanic.

Yes, this tournament will drag on for another round. Believe me, I’m just as tired of it as you are. But nevertheless, get your votes in early and often.


1. Mike Gundy “I’m a Man, I’m 40!”


1. Lee Elia “They Can Kiss My Fucking Ass”


This might be the true championship match-up right here. Can Gundy’s non-vulgar rant compete with the obscenity-laced Elia tirade?


1. Earl Weaver “Baltimore Orioles Baseball Fucking Network” 


2. Herman Edwards “You Play to Win the Game” 


Based on the chart, it appears that Edwards will have trouble in this match-up. But then again, I said the same thing last week and his rant knocked off a one seed. Can Herm keep the Cinderella story going against number one overall Earl Weaver?


Vote now! Let’s get this shit over with!

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Thoughts of the Day 4/10/2013

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Masters Preview



Nothing says spring like the Masters tournament. The sights of Augusta National are as familiar as any sporting ground. Hogan Bridge which connects the 12th fairway to the green over Rae’s Creek. The azalea’s blooming behind the 13th green. Butler Cabin where Jim Nantz of CBS does his interviews. The Eisenhower Tree located on the 17th fairway, famous for former US President Dwight Eisenhower consistently hitting the tree on a regular basis with his tee shot. Yes, there is no place like Augusta National. And there is no golf tournament like The Masters.

Unlike the US Open or the British Open, a golfer must be invited to play at The Masters. Past winners get a lifetime invite to the hallowed tournament. Grand Slam winners from the past 5 years are also invited. Other participants include the last 3 winners of The Players Championship, the winner and the two runners-up in…

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2013 NFL Draft: Unnecesary Mock Draft #12,402,387 Ver. 1.5

I’ve never been a big fan of the over-emphasis being put on the quarterback position by the NFL. Aside from  breaking from the concept of it being a true “team sport”, it is actually doing the entire position a disservice. Teams don’t want to develop a quarterback anymore, they want a franchise QB right out of the box like Andrew Luck or Cam Newton.

It’s one thing to pull the plug on Kevin Kolb or Carson Palmer. It’s another to give up on Ryan Fitzpatrick or Blaine Gabbert. Neither has had anything close to what I would consider a strong supporting cast. There are 2, maybe 3, QB’s in the NFL that could be successful on the Bills right now. I don’t believe any QB could have gotten the Jaguars to the playoffs last year. And be sure that Geno Smith is no better than Gabbert or Fitzpatrick. I still can’t wrap my head around Buffalo’s decision to cut Fitzpatrick, but Jacksonville’s recent (reported) interest in Geno Smith is even more puzzling.

Read the full story here.

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Better Inebriants, Better Amnesia, Papa John’s



Via Bro Bible

Let’s stop for a moment to admire the title of this article. You get it? Am I talented or what??

Last night, Papa John hit the town to watch the NCAA championship game. From the looks of it, you might say he was “three sheets to the wind,” or “schnockered,” or “sloshed to the gills” or my personal favorite: “pissed as a fart.”

If only he were there with Peyton Manning to plan next year’s Superbowl Pizza Giveaway.. 

– “Hey Papa, how about 2 million pizzas?”


We missed a huge opportunity for free pizzas last night. For shame Peyton Manning, for shame…

What was Papa drinking? Sources say it was his own concoction: “Vodka John’s”

“Vodka John’s” Recipe (Patent Pending):

– 1 oz. Pinnacle Vodka

– 1 oz. DeKuyper Amaretto

– 1 oz. Papa John’s Special Garlic Dipping Sauce


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