Daily Archives: April 23, 2013

Panic Time in Memphis?

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5 things the Sports world can do without.

Yea...keep doing that and thinking you're cool folks. Joe Biden is the Versace of Pennsylvania Ave.

Yea…keep doing that and thinking you’re cool folks. Joe Biden is the Versace of Pennsylvania Ave.

5. The Fist Bump- When the President of the United States, even a black President, is seen using an exaggerated ‘High Five’ then you know it’s time to retire it. He can shoot hoops in the basement of the white house all he wants, he is still the POTUS. That means he has as much “Street Cred” as Phil Mickelson and people that think Coldplay is a “rock band”. Only way it could get more lame is if Hillary Clinton fist bumped Diane Feinstein for scoring some Kohl’s cash at a grand opening in Wisconsin.

(Read the complete list here.)

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